Contact Information

Welcome to AwayTeam! Let’s start looking for your online worker.

Contact Details

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Team Needs

Tell us what you need in an online worker! Please be as detailed and specific as possible so we can match you with the right one.

Team Needs

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Business Details

Any information that you will input here is protected and secure.

Business Details

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AwayTeam™ charges a one time AU$200.00 recruitment fee. This fee becomes a part of your refundable bond after successful recruitment. Please choose your prefered method of payment below.

Please enter the details of the bank account you wish us to debit. You will be asked to complete a Direct Debit Request form before we can process your payment.

Please enter the name of your bank account
Please enter a valid BSB number
Please enter a valid account number

Enter your credit card details. Please note that credit card charges attract a 3% transaction fee.

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AwayTeam™ offers only Direct Debit and Credit/Debit Card charges as payment options for engaging your worker. We won't be able to engage your worker until you have provided us with ongoing billing details.

Terms and Conditions

Please be sure to read the Terms and Conditions below. They aren't very long, and contain some important information.

Agreement of Terms and Conditions for Recruitment of Online Workers

Once accepted, this agreement is a binding contract between you (“Client” and “you”) and Entuent Pty Ltd (“Entuent” and “we”).

Recruitment. Client is engaging Entuent for recruitment services for one or more online workers (“Worker”) with the intention of engaging those Workers using Entuent’s AwayTeam service offering exclusively.

Search Fee. On acceptance of this service, Client accepts a charge of AUD$200 inclusive of GST (“Search Fee”) from Entuent per required position. This Search Fee is non-refundable, except in the case where the position is successfully filled, and the Worker is engaged beyond the probationary period, at which point the Search Fee will form part of a bond covering the Engagement of the Worker. The Search Fee is to pay for the cost of sourcing Worker Candidates only, and is not a guarantee of either finding suitable Candidates, or of a successful Engagement.

Extent of service. Entuent will aim to source Candidates that we believe are suited to the requirements of the stated position. Entuent will present the Client with up to three resumes at a time of such Candidates, prescreened by Entuent. The Client may decline Candidates before or after interviewing them, and if all presented Candidates are declined, we will endeavour to present up to three more Candidates. An Entuent representative will be available to join all interviews between the Client and Candidates, and the Client agrees not to contact the Candidate directly, or interview the Candidate without the presence of the Entuent representative. The service will be deemed complete if (a) 9 or more Candidates are declined by the Client, (b) the Client does not provide response to Entuent regarding presented Candidates within one week after presentation, (c) Entuent is unable to source further suitable Candidates after one month of extensive search, (d) the Client instructs Entuent to cease searching for Candidates, or (e) the Client accepts a Candidate for Engagement as a Worker.

Exclusivity. At all times, the Client affirms that it shall not hire, pirate or pursue, for employment or otherwise, the Candidates presented by Entuent to render services. Furthermore, the Client agrees not to directly transact with such Candidates outside of Entuent’s operational platform, to the exclusion of Entuent. If the Client does engage a Candidate outside of Entuent’s service offering, the Client accepts that we will charge you a Recruitment Fee equalling two months of the Candidate’s requested salary, or the equivalent of two month’s full time payment from the Client to the Candidate by the means of engagement undertaken (whichever is greater). Entuent may reasonably estimate this amount which shall be accepted by the Client unless proof of the real cost of engagement is provided to Entuent.

Engagement. The client agrees that work by the Candidate may not commence unless the Candidate is Engaged as a Worker using a service offered by Entuent. Such Engagement is subject to further agreements between the Client and Entuent, agreements between Entuent or Entuent’s subsidiaries and the Worker, and to further charges by Entuent to the Client.

Non-Guarantee. Entuent agrees to reasonably undertake a search for suitable Candidates for positions required by the Client. Entuent makes no guarantee of finding or presenting suitable Candidates, nor of engaging any Candidate as a Worker. Entuent does not guarantee the availability or acceptance of an offer of Engagement by any presented Candidate.

Confidentiality. The recipient Party shall hold all Confidential Information relating to or obtained by the disclosing Party in strict confidence. Except as permitted by this Agreement, neither Party or its Agents shall disclose, publish, release, transfer or otherwise make available Confidential Information of, or obtained from the other in any form to, or for the use or benefit of, any person or entity without the disclosing Party's consent. Such confidential information includes but is not limited to; Client details, Candidate details, documentation, business processes, and agreements or contracts,

Intellectual Property. Entuent's trademarks, service marks, trade names, and processes are the property of Entuent and related companies, and the Client agrees that it shall not use any such trademarks, service marks or trade names without Entuent's approval.

Please check if you accept terms and condition. You must accespt the Terms and Conditions to continue

Thank you

Your registration is complete. A recruitment specialist will be in touch soon to take you through the next steps.


Search Fee invoice and receipt

Your invoice for your search fee. This is for your records.

Direct Debit Request

In order for us to direct debit your account and proceed with recruitment, we are required to collect a signed Direct Debit Request from you.

Please download the above, sign it, and return to engage@awayteam.com.au.

In order to use your direct debit details for ongoing payments, we also require identification of the signatory/ies of the account. Please scan or take a photo of a suitable identification document, and send to engage@awayteam.com.au

Client Handbook

A manual to guide you through how we work, and the steps we will take to get you up and running with your Worker. It also gives some helpful tips on working with your Online Worker.