Got a new business idea you want yo develop?

Make it happen with our online workers as we provide high quality web development
services at various price packages to suit your needs.


Let us help you build your website or web and mobile app, increase your online presence, and make your business more efficient with our team of professional and highly skilled online workers.

AwayTeam Web together with Intellis, provides high quality web developement services at various price packages to suit your needs. You will be working closely with a project manager who takes care of your dedicated virtual team who are experts in web and app development. Save time and money as you let our team develop your ideas progressively. By choosing one of our packages, you can get your plans moving forward today.

Build your business idea with us


Enjoy Professional Mentorship

Ongoing coaching and stragy planning with experts

Our mentors are experts in building through web, app, platform and communication development. During each session, we will review your current goals, requirements, and offerings. We will put in place a strategy for the next steps in growing your business online.


Control Your Finances

Budget your digital development

Web sites, apps, and platform are best build progessively, allowing you to get value early, and to respond to changing markets and requirements. You'll have a peace of mind knowing exaclty what your expenditure will be, and it will allow you to spread the cost of development out over time.


Get Free Services Offerings

Addtional services at no charge

Depending on your package, packages include free additonal offerings, such as domain registration and management, and even full-time dedicated online staff to managetesting, social media or search engine optimisation.


Connect To A Full Team

Access to an entire web team

For the cost of employing a full time web developer*, you get the equivalent of full-time worker's productive hours, but from a full team of web app, support and marketing specialist.

* Based on a major Australian metropolitan salaray of $110,000 - $120,000

Choose A Plan

Let us help you build and grow your business with digital tools that achieve you goals.

What's your budget?

Feel free to choose your range.

per month per week

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${{pro.PlanPricePerWeekly | number:0}} per week

${{premium.PlanPricePerWeekly | number:0}} per week

${{plus.PlanPricePerWeekly | number:0}} per week






All packages include...

  • Web design and development
  • Domain registration and management

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Included development hours can be spent on the following

web design
Web Design
web development
Web Development
web content
Web Content
app & software development
App & Software Developemnt
digital marketing
Digital Marketing
online IT support
Online IT Support
voip phone system support
VoIP Phone System Support

Ready to get started with us?

Talk with our friendly project managers to know more.


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