Bespoke Recruitment: How AwayTeam Works

Bespoke Recruitment: How AwayTeam Works

What makes us different from other staffing agencies in the industry?

AwayTeam was established to help Australian businesses grow and thrive through virtual staff, and at the same time provide Filipino online workers with sustainable employment. And yes, we know that we’re not the first company to be doing this kind of work.

On the surface, we seem like many recruitment and staffing agencies in the industry. I’ve also had many come up to me and ask what difference does it make if they avail of our services versus the others.

And I say to them, yes, we do headhunting and recruitment. But we wanted to do more than just that, and we have built our business model based on this goal.

Individualized recruitment

When a client signs up, we don’t just assign a VA or an online worker and get them started right away. Part of our process is to know what their unique needs are. We ask detailed descriptions of the position they’re looking to fill, down to what particular software or app the VA needs to have proficiency in.

Each business has a specific need and we want to make sure that the AwayTeam worker that we match is going to fill that in effectively. Which is why part of our workflow is to get on a call with the client to understand what they would need, and at the same time, get to know them a bit better too.

Interviews for culture fit

An online worker’s education, relevant work experience and skill sets are necessary factors that come into consideration when we match them with a potential client. However, there is one thing that is often overlooked, but we have found to have as much importance in the recruitment process; and that is culture fit.  

During the early stages, we let the client talk to us about their own unique company culture. Additionally, some of our interview questions are designed to really see if a candidate will work well with the people, the systems the client already has in place, and the general working environment in the business.

Hiring for culture fit helps improve employee retention and satisfaction, and who wouldn’t want to have loyal staff who’s going to stay in the long-run, right?

Support even after recruitment

Our service does not stop when both parties sign a contract and start working together. We make sure to check on how things are going so far. We have found this to be important, especially if it’s the first time for both parties in the world of online work.

A lot of guidance and support is needed during the adjustment period, to which we’re always ready to provide. And wherever there’s a need that a phone call or an email can solve, AwayTeam is happy to do so.

While I admit that our vetting, headhunting, recruitment and hiring processes may take longer than the average, there is a reason why. We’re not here to just simply assign VAs to Australian businesses. We want to make sure that our clients engage with the best online worker for their business, the one who would be the perfect match.

One of our clients said it best, "Spending a little extra time upfront to ensure we have found the right person will save an incredible amount of time over the long run."

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