Why is Culture Fit Important For Online Workers

Why is Culture Fit Important For Online Workers

Companies also need to consider how potential online workers fit into their own culture.

Culture is defined as the commonly held tradition, values and behavior of a certain community. Anthropologists describe it as a full range of learned human behavior patterns. Dutch psychologist Geert Hofstede calls it the “software of the mind”, while anthropologist E.B. Tylor describes it as a defining aspect of what it means to be human.

Culture is our measurement of what is important or unimportant, acceptable or unacceptable, right or wrong, workable or unworkable. It includes all that is learned and common, clear or implicit, expectations, opinions, knowledge, standards, and morals, as well as behavior, attitudes, and language.

Culture is not only found in communities within living societies, but in workplaces as well. And it is a very important aspect a company must have, if not even more important than the skill level of its employees.  

The culture is the backbone of your company.  Culture makes your company unique and is the totality of your company’s values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviors, and attitudes. It simply defines you.

What happens when you place a high importance on company culture when searching, interviewing and hiring future employees?

1. Attract real talent

When you know what and who you are, you know what to get. It makes your selection process much more defined and specific, since you can edit your ads to attract the right kind of people. Finding these gems who are the perfect fit is essential in building a successful company.

2. Higher employee satisfaction and happiness

When employees find a workplace that just jives in with their own personality and values the same things that they do, and allows them to grow, they are simply more content. When they are happy, the workplace becomes less stressful and harmonious relationships can be built. And when workers are happy, retention levels are high. Surely they won’t go looking for other opportunities, when your company is a right fit, yes?

3. Better work performance

Happy employees tend to work better and more efficiently than others, just because they enjoy what they are doing and love where they are. They will also want to prove their worth in the company, by showing you that you made the right choice by hiring them. It’s a win-win situation for everyone!

Tyrion Lannister from the hit HBO TV series Game of Thrones once said, “Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.”

You culture is what you are. It determines your communication channels, how you will respond in times of change, and it’ll shape you and your employees’ behavior. Lastly, culture protects you in case your business faces challenges along the way and will keep you moving ahead.

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